I'm ONE!

"WHAT? I don't get to be "months" anymore?!"

Nope. You are ONE YEAR OLD Maisie Moo. And we love you! Although we spent Sunday- her birthday- cleaning up the house and checking things off the to-do list, so Maisie kinda got jipped on celebrations on her birthday. We walked downtown Palo Alto for dinner after hanging out just the four of us all day and Francie says "Mom! Dad! No one came to Maisie's birthday!!"

All she cares about is that her sister lets her participate in her shenanigans...

"I didn't HEAR you ask us not to dump out every toy you had just organized in the toy basket Mom." Uh-huh.

and sometimes Francie likes to "be the baby" and get in the crib with her sister- who gets to play "the mommy." Poor second child- always gets told what to do and better like it.

Silly girls

"Hey it's my birthday! Get me out!!"

Maisie is getting better at walking- but loves to scoot along the cabinets and try to get into whatever she can. PLEASE don't look at the finger prints and dirt on the door here. I just got the Windex out.

"My sister calls this one the chemical cabinet. Hummm, locked."

on to the next one...


and she's in

Next time I am going to tape some Swiffer sheets all over her. Should do the trick.

and a couple little videos of Maisie Shark still learning how to put one foot in front of the other:

This one from my parents house Saturday night when my dad made dinner for us and the Carters (have to upload those pics!)

and this was last week hanging out one morning: they might call CPS for man-handling a baby trying to make her walk