Happy Birthdays!

The end of March/beginning of April is Birthday Madness! My goddaughter Claire Elise's birthday was the 27th and her brother Connor's is today, our neighbors Jerry Carter and Ryan Carter are this week, my friends from college- Heather and Sherry both have birthdays this week, and Heather's daughter Charlotte was born on my birthday (April 5:) which I share w Christian too! Oh and Ollie and Sophie (the dogs) were born at the end of March but no one remembered until yesterday so Jannie and Francie threw Sophie a surprise party, of course. And the twins Craig and Katherine share a birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYBODY!
That's a lot of birthday cake :)

I really wanted to make this cake:

but settled on the easy-peasy version for Clara's Marie's 1st birthday last week. She couldn't have milk/dairy in her cake so we had to get creative with the "frosting"

Francie was so excited to bake a cake for Clara- here she is being silly baking in her apron before nap time


Still being silly

Cupcakes in the process

and a special 1st birthday mini cake just for Clara Marie! (pictures from her birthday dinner celebration coming soon...)

It was kind of cool to see that we added a glob of pink on the very top of the batter in the muffin tin and when they baked the sides came up around the top and the pink ended up in the middle. I'm a nerd.

check out this cool poster my SIL Andrea made for her sweet husband Craig who turns 31 today- and so does his "womb-mate" twin sister Katherine! Happy Birthday Kat and Craig!! and great photo collage Andrea :)