Cousins at The Park

Last week we met my cousin Molly and her cute kids Brady and Baby Lauren at the park with Jannie, Molly's mom Toni and my Great-Aunt Marge (Molly's grandma) We went to our favorite Shoup Park and Jannie brought a picnic spread for lunch. Francie and Brady were off and running around the playground and stomping in the creek. The extra boots we brought for Brady were too small so Francie shared her PINK ones! It was great to see them and we had a fun day in the park wearing out the kids.

Big Kid Brady

Adorable Baby Lauren

Miss Attitude Francie

And Maisie playing with Aunt Marge's bracelets

Francie gave Brady a present (or Jannie did) but Francie said "Here Brady, I'll open it"

A MICKEY BOOK! Brady shares her love of all things Mickey

Standing around watching the kids- somehow keeps us busy all day

Jannie made Brady a "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" blanket with Eric Carle fabrics!
(nice look France)

Say Cheese Cousins!

Brady holding Lauren sweetly. Francie has Maisie in a choke-hold

What a sweet big brother. and a crazy cousin Francie

It's fun to see them all together! I wish my grandma Marmar was here to see her sister's grandbabies with her grandbabies :)

Time for some creek-stomping, dirt-digging fun

Marjorie Sheehy and MaryMarjorie Sheehy!

Jannie had to rescue Francie from the rocks in the creek (some kid made this creek dam- pretty impressive!)

Brady diggin the pink boots

Jannie took the kids over to explore on the other side of the creek. I used to think Hansel and Gretel lived over there on the scary over-grown side when I was little- guess the big kids haven't warned these two yet!

Awww- boot-sharing kissing-cousins

tireddddd eyes

Picking over the picnic leftovers

Sleeping Beauties Lauren and Maisie

Jannie and Toni took the big kids on the slides- Jannie put the picnic blanket on the slide so it wouldn't be as hot/would go SUPER fast! Only grandmas :)

Lauren thinks they are all crazy

What a fun day with GiGi/Gauntie Marge!