I'm A Sucker for a Contest...

A new local Mom's magazine called "M" is holding a contest for the next cover models! Sorry for the shameless and vain self promotion but wouldn't it be fun to let someone else do you hair, makeup, dress you up and take your picture?! (and good advertising for AT and BB- not that I would ever sink so low as to try and get my girls photo on a magazine cover for business reasons ;) But Jannie cursed with a competitive nature so- if you have a few seconds... will you please VOTE for us?!

"Is out mom BANANAS or what France?!"... "Yup, get used to it Maisie."

I think we have 12 and the next closest are 25,35,50ish comments- one lady has 102 but you just have to be in the top five and they pick one! If you are on Facebook just CLICK HERE and leave a comment and I'll owe you an ice cream, or a banana.