A Celebration

Saturday we had a celebration. It has been a year since Kaky died and is the birthday week for Rich, Kathy and my Grandpa. So Emmy invited everyone over for a BBQ to celebrate the birthdays and mark this special date. We love you Emmy, John and Rich and we miss you Kaky... but we sure had a great day and we all knew you were there celebrating with us- and not missing any of the fun.

Emmy Lou and Maisie Moo

Any faithful BabyHeff blog followers (hi to the seven of you out there:) know that Emmy has been beautifully documenting her journey of grief on her blog - Grieving Gracefully. Well she decided the one year mark would end her blog and start a new beginning. I think she ended it beautifully- don't you? :)

Girl talk on Emmy's bed (they let me in for a little while)

"Moodle" (Kaky nicknamed Francie "Doodle" right from the hospital isolette and we still call her The Doo... It's only fitting she calls her sister Maisie Moodle - although it sounds more like "Moooth-ule" in her 2 year old Boston accent)

Johners takes after his mom too and loooves babies

and he wasn't even offended when Maisie did this to her mom:

Sunlight coming through the blinds reminds me of this photo from this post a year ago...

We miss her. But we celebrate. Just like she wants us to.

The birthday boy and Aunt Kim at the BBQ

Watch out for the Mountain Man!

and boys will be boys

Francie was soo happy to play with Kelly and Ella- big girls are her favorite

She even smiles for the camera per their request (can I take you with me?)

Kissy Kissy

The Brides-To-Be

The Sisters/Cousins - posing like Claire in her honor since she's in Boston :)

and right before that shot- Em, Jannie and ABA trying to decide the best way not-to-make-you-look-like-you-have-a-double-chin-in-photos.

or maybe the secret is not eating all of the Kabasitza sausages ABA. (and waiting for the text msg to take this post down in 3-2-1...)

Daddy's Girl

Godmother love


Dinner Time. Emmy did such a great job hostessing- just like her mom always did.

Cake decorating time outside (for good reason)

"Just one more taste of frosting Mom?"

works of art

Francie can't stand it :)

Po-po-po-poker face

Lots of CHEERS and toasts to our angel Kaky

and cake.

and the babies are out. time to head home. Thanks for a great celebration party John, Rich and Emmy. You made her proud.