Happy Valentines Day!

Francie sent a few of these to some of her friends. The ones with an extra lollipop or two got returned in the mail for a few cents more postage! Ooops. Francie apologizes to a few friends who are getting late Valentine. And we didn't make very many so if you didn't get one here is a virtual, organic lollipop for you. Happy Valentines Day!
I copied the idea from Courtney's blog "5 Under 5"

AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY to HEFF today! He usually gets a hallpass on his birthday not to have to do anything for Valentines day so I was surprised when he brought me home these:
and said "you're welcome but do you want the real story?" One of his clients he had a meeting with yesterday gave them to him as a gift to get him off the hook having to get me anything! Birthday post next...