Shoup Park

Jannie, the girls and I made a trip to Shoup Park in Los Altos today to play and run around in the creek while the water is still running. It is such a fun park. I remember going there when I was little and being so scared that the old witch from Hansel and Gretel lived behind the scary chain link fence behind the creek (I think some "big kid" at the park told James and I that story- thanks kid.) Afterwards we walked around downtown and had lunch at Rick's Cafe. We're glad Jannie is back!

First we had to build castles with our favorite EmilyBlocks in the morning and wait for Jannie to text us that she was awake and reayd to go (way before we were today!)

Getting ready in our rain boots. Francie's new room is Maisie's favorite place to play

and heading to Shoup Park to stompa-stompa in the creek

So serious Francie pants!

at least we got some big smiles on the playground

zip line

reaching out

pulling up your own pants is harder than climbing the wall sometimes

the race is on

Jannie and the shark

Francie had to convince Jannie she could do this by herself

so funny

1... 2... 3...

All done.

and Maisie is really getting her big teeth on the top! So sad to say goodbye to that gummy smile but the teeth are so funny. Maisie might have the gap like ABA did!! Braces here we come.