Bed Bugs

I can post this picture now that the girls aren't wearing those PJ's anymore (it may have been close to 24 hours :)- Francie got hit with a bug yesterday and has had a really high (it hit 104.8!) fever. She was up last night screaming with night terrors and hallucinating, it was pretty scary and of course happened on the one night in like a year Heff is out of town for work! But we love Dr. Cisco and he helped us through the night and came over this morning to make sure she's allright. Seems to be a virus she's fighting but she's pretty sad and sick. We've had lots of Motrin, OJ, milk and Mickey this morning.

Still look pretty happy (although these pics were from the night before last)

Maisie knows she is lucky to be invited to play in her big sister's bed

so she doesn't complain a bit when she gets wrestled into the pillows

Always with the bink Maise...

wait, voluntarily taking it out?!

and giving it to mom!? are you ready to give it up Maisie Moo?!
(no way, she just likes to GIVE things lately :)

and it's back

No fever for Maisie yet... let's hope Francie is the only one to get bite by this bug