
My girls have always been sleepers... besides the fact they don't go to bed until 9 or 10pm ;) But they usually sleep in until 8 or 9am and take long naps during the day. Maisie is now on the same sort of routine Francie was at the same age- a two hour morning nap around 10am and another around 3pm. Francie is down to one nap around 2 or 3pm for 3 hours, sometimes 4 hours... hence the night owl tendencies! Some people think this is crazy but it works for us and the girls are pretty mellow at night after our 8pm-ish dinner. My mom said we were all the same way and slept 10pm-10am until school ruined our day ;) It's hard to stay home for Maisie's naps though so she usually sleeps on the go in the morning and if we're doing something fun she tries to hold out until after lunch and literally falls asleep sitting up.

But sometimes Francie and I get a little time together at home while Maisie sleeps...

and after naps we video chat Auntie Baby Ann in Nashville! Jannie and Grampa were visiting Ann last weekend and we chatted them one night- so when we got on this time Francie said "Hi ABA, Where's Jannie?" ABA was not so happy she was second choice :)