SF Zoo on a Rainy Sunday

Heff took Francie to the SF Zoo last weekend with Uncle Mark and Baby Clara when Maisie and I were gone - the Carter's gave us a family membership (great gift!) so we decided to go back again this Sunday with Maisie Moo and Mom too. It was wet and rainy out but meant there were no crowds at the Zoo.

Mom and the girls by the fountain (we fit right in with the SF yuppie parents in our matching camo gear and huge klunker hunting boots- Heff dressed me so I couldn't complain about being cold :)

I can't even see him can you? ;)

Heff didn't let it go easily that my arms are almost as long as the gorillas. I felt better knowing Uncle Mark's arms almost reached the fingertips :)

Someday Francie... they'll call you "The Missing Link" just like mommy.

"Let me outta here guys!"

Bears Are All Asleep... Shh, Shh, Shh...

View from the top

Maisie Shark

Riding the Choo-Choo train with Dad

Taking turns in the Chariot

Maisie's favorite- the flamingos

Lunch at Leapin Lemurs Cafe- Fruit juice in a lion and cold beers - everyone is happy

"Let's Goooo!"

Francie showing off her cute new jacket Daddy picked out all on his own at REI- half off too!

Next stop- the Carousel

Heff pointed out she was "white knuckling" the whole ride

You are HERE

"Watching chicks hatch isn't very exciting mom..."

Tractor ridin

Goat petting (no fear here)

Mom and the girls in the mud

Children's Zoo tack room in the barn

If she runs like lightening to "pet" the sheep they are less scary

Nervous biting of the jacket, but a big improvement from last time when she wouldn't get out of dad's arms near the big, scary sheep

On to the next

See you soon ZOO!