Midnight Potty Break

Last night I heard heavy footsteps stomping in the hallway at 1am (I should have been in bed but was catching up on Grey's Anatomy instead :) so I peaked in the dark bathroom to see Francie sitting on her little potty in her Hello Kitty underwear, pink PJs AND ballet skirt she wore to bed. She was only half awake and half way fell asleep on the toilet, then finally stood up and meticulously pulled up her undies, then PJ pants, then fixed her ballet skirt just right before stomping back into her room and getting in bed. She noticed Ollie sleeping at the foot of her bed and told him "get back in your dog bed Ollie!" I couldn't resist how hilarious she was and I laid in bed with her for a few minutes to snuggle... until then she started her subconscious scratching at my arms in my shirt sleeves as she falls asleep and I went on to my own bed :) At least the Big Girl bed seems to have stopped her from coming into our bed in the middle of the night when she wakes up!! Yay for less than four people in a double bed.

closest I could get to a photo- from a few days ago...