Pizza Party with The Carters

Sunday night we had a pizza party at Jannie's house with the Carters. Ryan and Kim were in town with their triplets Danny, Drew & Dylan so we let the kids play while we all caught up. We grew up with Ryan, Beth and Jill- their house is three doors down and we carpooled to school... lots of fun memories causing trouble as kids :) Francie is a few months younger than the triplets- she showed them all around Jannie and Grampa's backyard.

Jerry Carter and Maisie Moodle

Francie in her apron chasing around after Dylan (or as she calls them all "The Caa-ter Twip-wets"

Sily girl

Maisie has been so much fun this weekend! She is almost sitting up on her own and laughs whenever Francie talks to her. I could just eat her up :) Sorry for a few too many pictures of me but I loved Maisie's expressions in these pictures... ABA thinks she looks like a mini-Mary :)

early dinner for the kids (Francie doesn't know what to think- being fed before 8pm like normal kids?!)

Stick a fork in it

Georgia loving her cute grandsons

and Jannie making pizzas!

The girls

Allison and Jerry spolied Francie with a new book about a Giraffe named Gerald and a HUGE lollipop!

Francie doing her best evil laugh "huu-huu-hu-huu!"

James and Em helping serve up the hot pizzas!

Daddy and Maisie

the boys

"what was that!?"

Georgia and Jill who flew up for the weekend with Maisie

One down

Late night dance party

Waiting for S'more pizza dessert creation!

Piggy back time and we're off to bed!