Kicking it off...

Friday we went over to Jannie's to check out the Pottery Barn Kids shoot and played for awhile before venturing out (outside my Menlo Park bubble that is, I mean I had to get on the freeway!) where Jannie wanted to check out a park in San Mateo that had a little choo-choo train ride for kids. The train was closed weekdays after August (Wally World? San Mateo felt about that far :) so we settled for some swinging, sliding and then a trip to Talbott's toy store.

Everywhere you turn at Jannie and Grampa's house this week PBK has cameras, lights, props and cute Spring baby stuff for the magazine. I couldn't give away their secrets (the dining room is now 75% pink/green striped walls and there are giant playhouses painted in ABA's room) but this is what we were tripping over in the hallways...

Francie usually loves to take baths in Jannie's big bathtub but they were shooting in Jannie's room so she settled for a shower in the sewing room bath (where jannie and grampa are sleeping this week since their room is a nursery :)

Snoozing through the excursion to Central Park in San Mateo

Swinging high and higher

Ready for the toy store in Jannie's stroller... Maisie's first time riding like a big girl! Francie lost it at first but luckily was easily distracted by a giant toy store full of bikes, dolls and playhouses (her current obsessions)