Monday BBQ

Monday around lunch time we ventured over to Burgess Park for another BBQ hosted by Jerry & Georgia Carter to welcome the triplets home and get together with all of their friends. Bethy flew up for the day (10 hours... what a good sister!) and my brothers both came down from the city with their girlfriends Emily and Allison too. I had to pry Heff away from sweating away in the backyard on the new outdoor kitchen/BBQ (I told you one project lead to 4- now 5- maybe 6 or 7!) Francie gobbled down some hot dogs while Bethy teased her ("don't antagonize me Beffy!") and Maisie was a social little roller and made some new friends.

Em, Bethy and James at the park

I'll take yours too mom (she loves hot dogs... me too :)


Maisie says "Hi nice to meet you Luke."

"Let me tell you the funniest story about my crazy sister..."

"Why is she getting all the attention?"

"Watch out sister... I'm funny now too!"

Starring contest

Ryan and Kim rounding up the triplets to head home for their naps

James and Em with Maisie in the shade


Getting Bethy with her dagger claws

Maisie and Francie had on their birthday frogs for the next event on family Monday... (enough suspense for the net post ABA?)