Fun Family Visit

Saturday Oma, Opa, Kat and Donald drove down for a night to spend some time with the babies (and maybe with us too :) The girls took a trip to Stanford Shopping Center while the guys and Francie rebuilt our BBQ in the backyard so we could grill tri-tips for dinner- a little motivation goes a long way. Oma brought some fun new art supplies for Francie- she and Oma made some creations together. We helped Kat return some wedding gifts (another good use for the double stroller) and did some shopping. I got new bedding and new pillows on sale at Macy's... ahhhh (as I blog from bed on my laptop) Mark, Sarah & Clara came over for dinner at our house and too- Clara is soo adorable now, I missed pictures of the babes, Clara was trying to go to sleep but next time I will. Thanks for making it down for a quick visit everybody!

"Yay! I get to cook with Oma, Aunt Kat and Aunt Sarah!"

Hanging out in the backyard

Aunt Kat made a cool Oreo Cookie cake with the molds Emily G. gave her for a shower gift- they worked great Em!

With the ice cream filling- cookies and creme, yum.

First Tri-tips off the new and improved BBQ- good work Heff

Dinner with our beef plates- just for cattle-rancher-Uncle-Donald

Sleepover with Aunt Kat and Donald! Francie said Donald could "sleep out there on the couch." She loves her godmother