Visit to LA for A Day!

Monday we went down to LA for a quick 12 hour trip to visit my sister-in-law Andrea who was due with her second baby TWO DAYS AGO! When we were driving home from Red Bluff Andrea and I had been texting about when the heck this baby was going to come and she didn't have her next doctor's appointment until Tuesday so I checked flights from my phone and decided to just fly down for the day Momday to give her a little distraction and let the girls play! Jannie cleared her calendar and went with us too- a day to spend with her girls and Andrea/Izzy who she loves PLUS fly twice in one day? My ex-flight-attendant mom couldn't resist :)

at the airport getting our boarding passes, the TWO year old needs her own ticket now!

SO excited to fly on an airplane

window seat

reading her "Take-Off" book with Jannie during take off :)

Maisie and I- self portrait in the isle seat

Isabel and Uncle Craig picked us up at the airport- we borrowed the new baby's infant seat and their extra Britax so we didn't even have to travel with carseats, it was so easy!

Andrea looks fantastic and Isabel is so excited for her new little brother-sister :)

Sweet Little Maisie Moo after her first Southwest flight!

The girls all went out for lunch, Jannie brought Isabel a matching vintage baby doll- they have so much fun together

Andrea's mom joined us too- three generations of girls on both sides :)

Maisie was a little upset she didn't get the mexican food and margaritas so she settled for eating her foot

We drove out to Manhattan Beach so Jannie could show us the house she lived in "on the strand" when she flew for American and was based at LAX

Walking to the Pier

Cousins off and running

and there is the belly. Isabel was a "Perfect TEN" pounds... we're hoping this baby doesn't break any records!

We took the girls to a cute little aquarium at the end of the pier

and tired them out running around so they'd fall asleep on the way home!

The girls gabbed for a while at home while the babies slept (I might have even fallen asleep with Francie for a few after those mid-day margaritas:) then woke up to play a little longer before we headed for home. Taking turns on Jannie's lap (it's so cute how Izza loves "JAA-nie!")


Craig and Andrea got treats for the girls... Cookie Monster Cupcakes!

Thanks for the shuttling and letting us come invade for a day Uncle Craig!

Could be the last shot of this family of THREE!