Tehama County Fair & Livestock Auction

This weekend we were up in Red Bluff for one of my favorite weekends... the Tehama County Fair and Junior Livestock Auction. We rounded up a few friends to buy some animals for and ended up with 4 hogs, 3 lambs, 3 chickens and a steer! No downer cows around here :)

My cute husband ready to bid

Oma and Aunt Kat at the auction

This little girl and her giant steer were our favorite, he is way bigger than she is! She raised him and handles the cow all by herself, pretty impressive.

We were at the auction from 10am to 4:30pm... the girls were great and took their naps on the sidelines

The 4H kids bring the buyers in the stands water, iced tea and tri-tip sandwhiches!

Heff and Donald enjoying their sandwhiches

This kid had a sense of humor with his meat rabbits up for auction

The girl we bought a big ole steer from (for our friend Baby Jack!)

Our friend Remington with her hog

This girl Rose and her friend were doing the Chicken Dance with their Reserve Grand Champion Chickens...

We couldn't resist and with a little real-time texting to our friends Lena and Rose... we bought her chickens! Since they were in the Champions section we got to go in the arena for a photo, Aunt Kat loved that my ghetto-fabulous camo-tiara hat we got at bull sale is in between the "Lil Miss Tehama County" tiaras :)

We got purple ribbons for the girls and "Rose" was very excited her chickens were going to a good home, er I mean kitchen :)

Maisie on nap number two on Aunt Kat

Francie up and intrigued by the auction (but I am a little grossed out she has been hanging out with the cowboys too much by the way she's holding her water cup!)

After the auction, Francie checking out the 4H posters...

"then gut the body" ;)

Oma and Heff in line to pay for the bounty

Walking around the exhibitor booths Aunt Kat won Best in Show for her quilt that she made with her students!

Checking out the animal barns

"HI cows!!!"

Family shot in front of Furbie the cow

and Lucy the pig :)

Thanks Oma and Opa a fun weekend in Red Bluff!