Girls Night Out

Last week we had a girls night out at Rosewood with my Le Cirque friends to wish one of the girls who works there (Hi Sarah) good luck as she moves to LA for school and an internship. It was a fun night out on the patio and Maisie even got to tag along. We had a "Moms Night Out" up at Rosewood again last night (but I didn't take any pictures!) and Heff took both girls for me all night. It was the first time I've left Maisie for more than a quick errand and she did great! Thanks hubby :)

Christian and I with Maisie Moo

Maisie (at home before we left) in her hand-me-down Tory Tunic Auntie Em gave Francie last year! TG for two girls :)

Miss Shaunte Sarah and Catie at Rosewood

Christian, Adriana and Christian's favorite baby (lucky Maisie ;)

Libby and the-other-Jan

All of the Le Cirque ladies

and ending the night with Sprinkles