Pigs, Lambs and Cows

Wanna farm animal for your freezer?!

We are headed to the Red Bluff County Fair this weekend and the annual 4-H auction! In the past we've bought a pig, a lamb, and a cow (usually the cow to split) at the fair to stock out freezer with lots of great "home-grown", farm raised meat and also support some 4-H kids. It's nice to know where our meat comes from... no downer cows in our kitchen! Some of our friends have mentioned they'd be interested in their own lamb/pig/cow or splitting one with a friend or two. SO if you are interested here is your chance... We'll bid on an animal for you at the fair, have it butchered up in Red Bluff and deliver it to your freezer when it's ready.

Francie's first 4-H purchase at 9 days old :) We picked Jessyca's pig since it had a big pink bow tied around it!

It's hard to say what they will go for, but it might be a good year to get a good "deal" and support a 4-H kid as well (the money they earn usually goes into their college or savings account and since the auction is charitable, the amount paid for the animal over the market price is generally tax deductible!). Attatched is a letter from one of the 4-H girls selling her lamb this year if you want to hear about how they raise their animals for the fair- it's hard work!

and the sweet girl we bought the pig from last year

A rough idea of what they can go for (could be less, you can set a bidding limit :)

Example Cost of A Lamb
Lambs weigh between 105-150/lbs. live. The average yield is 52 lbs.
If the wholesale market price is $.65/lb. and you bid $3.50/lb. on a 110 lb. lamb, the cost would be:
Auction Bid $385.00
Processing, cut wrap, etc: $125.00
$286.00 (tax deductible portion)
Total $510.00

Example Cost of a Hog
Hogs weigh between 200-265 lbs. live. The average yield is 125 lbs. of processed meat.
If the wholesale market price is $0.46/lb. and you bid $2.50/lb. on a 230 lb. hog, the cost would be:
Auction Bid $575.00
Processing, cut wrap, etc.. $260.00
$460.00 (tax deductible portion)
Total $835.00

Example Cost of a Steer
Steers weigh between 1,000-1,350 lbs. live. The average yield is 500 lbs. of processed meat.
If the wholesale market price is $0.70/lb. and you bid $2.00/lb. on a 1,000 lb. steer, the cost would be:
Auction Bid $2,000
Processing, cut wrap, etc: $600.00
$1,500 (tax deductible portion)
Total $2,600.00

You can expect to receive approximately the following amounts of TOP QUALITY meats:
For each 1,000 lbs. of beef: 510 lbs. of steaks, roasts, lesser cuts and ground meat.
For each 200 lbs. of hog: 140 lbs. ham, bacon, roasts, chops, lesser cuts & sausage.
For each 100 lbs. of lamb: 52 lbs. of roasts, chops and lesser cuts.

Francie's First Fair

a big steer with a pink bandana!

The auction is this Saturday, so just let us know!

The Heffs :)