More Birthday Fun

After a morning hanging out "on the cruz" downtown we went over to Jannie's for the afternoon for some sewing and embroidery fun. Emmy had a big game Friday night so we kept her rested, fed and hydrated while we sewed away and she played with the birthday girl and her god-daughter :) Francie always has fun at her Jannie's house and might have even been a little more spoiled than usual on her big birthday!

Maisie on the bed in the sewing room with Emmy while Jan and I slave away at the machines in the background

Emmy-Lou and Maisie-Moo

Emmy blew up a few balloons for Francie on her birthday... afterall what's a birthday without balloons!

Maisie loves playing with toys now

"I think I'm ready to crawl mom."

I made this dress for Francie to wear to her helicopter and airplane party Saturday :)

Back home Francie took her afternoon nap and woke up a little grumpy-as-usual

Until Heff told her she had a PRESENT waiting for her on the table he wrapped himself :)

Her very own "you-haf-to-wear-a-helmet-SCOOTER!"

Then Friday night we had dinner at our neighbors house with some friends- 8 little kids running around kept Francie happy playing all night!

Francie and her buddy Ruby (who turned two last week!) on the ATV

Lily and Maisie

Francie in her swim bottoms, she especially loved their little dog Barkley and his Bee costume :)

Cute dinner plates for the kids

They were so sweet to have cute little gifts for the girls...

We played inside after it got too dark to play outside

and since Francie likes to eat sand/dirt/mud for fun I made her a DIRT PIE with Oreo's, ice cream, fudge and gummy worms :)

Make a wish

Silly girls tickling each other waiting for their dirt

Thanks for having us over Shoups and Olsons!