Francie's 2nd Birthday

Francie woke up on Friday September 18 to a chocolate sprinkled donut with a donut hole on top on her "You Are Special Today" plate left out by her Dad :) We played around the house for awhile and then ventured downtown for a special birthday breakfast...


We met Jannie, Emmy and Daddy at Stacks for a birthday breakfast (just like we did last year for her first birthday)

Our favorite waitress brought the birthday girl a treat! Whipped cream in a little bowl with strawberries, chocolate chips and a candle... what's not to love!?

Waiting for "Happy Birthday to You" so she can dig those little fingers in

Francie rode around town on this little push trike thing we have at Brilliant Babies. She thought she was pretty hot stuff.

We went by to check out the dance class since the big girl is TWO now and can do ballet! And Emmy took these great photos while we were waiting for Jannie to pick up a lamp at the repair place next door. Emm-azing as usual :)
She was pretty happy to be getting so spoiled on her BIRTHDAY!!