Maisie's Turn

Maisie's first day in JEANS! I love hand-me-downs :) We had some friends over in Maisie's "age group" last week too... some under a year and some brand new (mostly siblings of Francie's friends... but we won't call them hand-me-downs Maisie Moo!) It was fun to see siblings playing but the big kids were too busy running around to notice the babes.

Icie, Estelle and 10 day old Vivienne behind the camo diaper bag she packed just for us :)

Heather pushing big man Carson


Kelli and Landry (soon to be baby sis too!)

Katie and Jack with Heather and Maisie

Knocked out at her own playdate. (She must have learned this from Francie... the day before Jannie came by at the tail end of Francie's playgroup and Francie said "I wanna go to your house Jannie" and started putting her shoes on. Jannie said "Oh but Francie your friends are here and want to play!" to which Francie replied, over her shoulder as she walked towards the car "They'll leave!")

Silly girl (oh and she calls this move "Dancin, Dancin' on a POLE!!")

Playing with her sticky blocks inside after our friends left...

Can't you just see the TWO-YEAR-OLD-TROUBLE-MAKER emerging!?