Toddlers and Waddlers

We've had a pretty regular playgroup that meets each week for the last year or so called "Toddle On Over" :) Some of the babies we met through the Stanford Moms Group, some at Cafe Barrone's Moms lunches and some through friends. It's a fun group to see getting so big and so many new siblings popping up! We hosted everyone over last week to play in the playhouse and the water table finally... we hung out in the new and improved side yard since the back part of the yard is completely torn up (long story- next post :) It was a nice sunny day for the Toddlers to Toddle On Over and for about half of the moms who are pregnant again to Waddle on Over! (sorry couldn't resist)

water toys and tractors find their way on to the water table

The Mommas

Happy Ronan loves when I get my camera out!

Francie's concentrating-real-hard face

The kiddies on the bench with Michael's dog (No, sorry to scare those of you who wondered,... Sage did not come back to life.)

Getting ready for Ring-Around-The-Rosey with Mary Catherine who had her baby 48 HOURS later! Welcome to Cillian James!!

Pocket Full of Posey...

Ashes, Ashes We All...

Fall Down!