Meeting Ryann

We had a visit from Lea Pavlovich this week with adorable baby Ryann Kate! Ryann belongs to her son Nick and his wife Laura and is just a few weeks older than Maisie. Nick and I grew up together... and Jannie and Nick's dad Steve grew up together too! Lea is babysitting Ryann for three days, she is brave! Lea and Jannie had so much fun with their "babies" and remembered the old days getting together when their kids were babies. Ryann and Maisie played together on "tummy time" and Francie supervised, taking her rold of big sister very seriously these days.

Ryann Kate and MaryMarjorie

Love hug or sleeper hold? (Don't worry Laura, we pulled her off!)

Come and get me Maisie!

Ryann, Francie and Maisie

and Francie's done with her sister on her lap

getting love from her Jannie

Thanks for the fun visit Lea and Ryann!