Girls and Girl Stuff

We were doing lots of "girl stuff" waiting for Dad to come home! Monday we met Emma and Chrissie over at Jannie's to sew the pacthes on her new Brownie vest since she out grew her old one and has too many patches to fit! Francie was in 7th heaven showing off all of Jannie's toys and dolls to her BFF Emma. It was a fun project, I can't wait for Francie's Brownie or 4H/FFA days! We made a matching set of ruffle pants before Emma came over, Francie wanted Emma to have some too :)

Maisie hung out with "wittle ziolet" on her new I-Spy quilt my mom's friend Judy made for her!

Emma's new vest "before"

Jannie brought out my old Brownie uniform...

not much has changed!

All done! Emma is going to need a few extra inches on this vest now if she keeps earning all these patches!

The girls hanging out ;)

Maisie watched patiently with her beloved binky

Somebody wants to be a big girl

Owen taught her to do sommersaults she reports

She even set the table for dinner while we were anxiously awaiting DADDY to come home!

Very proud of herself (A for effort, not sure about the placement :)

and..... DADDY'S HOME!! with a little camo jacket for Maisie and a new hunting hat for Francie

She got to sleep in her "camp bed" on the floor next to Dad to celebrate. She missed him ;)