More 4th of July at Em's

We had a busy 4th this year! After the 5K run and parade we went home for some Hacienda Burritos and naps and hanging around the house before going to Isaac's and then we all went over to Emily's family's house for more 4th of July fun. It was Emily's Dad, Joe's, birthday and my brother James came through with some do-it-yourself Fireworks (some safe-n-sane, some not so much) Joe had cigars for the guys and the girls all played with the babies since Emily and James were taking care of Baby Jackson for the weekend (they were worn out! :) Thanks for having us over Marla, Joe, Em and James!

Jackson just hanging out on the lawn

Francie making sure no one is going to tell her she can't play with this cute little guy

Jerry and Georgia Carter came over too! Getting some smiles from Maisie

I swear this WAS an accident... Auntie Em was wearing the same red Saltwaters as Francie and Maisie! (Maisie's don-t exactly fit yet but Aunt Kaky gave the little size 3 red Saltwater's to me for my first baby shower and she always loved the 4th of July so much- I had to put them on Maisie for a little while!)

Jannie and the girls in their Saltwaters (nice face Francie)

Auntie Em tap-dancing with Francie and Lily

Marla and Jackson cuddle up

The guys smoking cigars

The Johnets festive on the 4th!

James and Em start the sparklers early

My brother. Once a pyro, always a pyro.

I wonder where he gets it? :) (John blowing up beer cans)

James proud of his work

Sparkler finale