Grandma Wichmann

Brian's Grandma Wichmann died on Thursday July 2 :( She was 95 years old and lived a great life. She has been living at the Heffernan's in Red Bluff in her own little house for the past year or so (after moving up from Southern California) and comes over for all the holidays, meals and festivities. She still got herself around even at 95 (even sometimes walking home in the dark, without a flashlight! I don't even think I could do that!) Grandma Wichmann loved her family and she LOVED babies and all the little cousins, she knew all the kids names and who they belonged to (again, sometimes even I have trouble remembering that!:) I loved hearing her stories about her life and especially all the stories she told me about Brian as a little boy- how polite and well mannered he was and how he took very good care of his younger siblings. I hope my kids grow up to be just like that an I'm so glad both Francie and Maisie got to spend a little time with a Great-Grandmother in their lifetime, she was the last grandparent Heff or I had living on either side. We'll miss you Grandma Wichmann!

Grandma and I at my Red Bluff baby shower when I was pregnant with Francie! She told me about how she was so exhuasted when she had her twins (Claire & Cathleen) that she never got to sleep one night since one or the other was always up. She said when she finally got in bed at 6 am and pulled the covers up and told her husband, he rolled over and said "but this is just what you always wanted isn't it? " and she said "yes and I am not complaining, just announcing". She loved having twins and was so proud of her children.

This is one of my favorite photos of Grandma Wichmann from our wedding. Somehow she had six foot tall twin girls and grandsons over 6 foot 7!

Grandma with Francie at Christmas 2007

Grandma Wichmann with Maisie and Clara in her arms, Ronan and Isabel next to her