Shoot It Daddy!

Friday night Heff took Francie on a "Big Adventure" to Kings Mountain Archery Course to compete in an archery competition! He is brave, I know ;) Brian grew up hunting but just got into the bow & arrow kind this year... I gave him a bow for his birthday in February and he is hooked. He practices in our back yard on a 20 yard target and goes to a few ranges every once in awhile. He joined up with a group of 4 other archers and they competed on real-looking animal targets set up throughout the course. One of the guys took some pictures for me and just emailed Heff with them ;)

Heff all geared up... can you see the little "camo'ed" croc behind him!?

and the purple bow of course

When they came up to the first target Francie said "DAD! A DEER!!" followed by...

She was loving it for the first half of the course... then crashed out in the backpack