Dreams Happen

Saturday Night was the Dreams Happen Playhouse Auction to benefit Rebuilding Together Peninsula... as everyone knows this is the event where I met Brian FOUR years ago! The event is held every two years the first Saturday in June and a lot changes every two years as I went from not even knowing Brian in 2005, to married and pregnant at the event in 2007, and now happily drinking wine again with two kids in 2009! It is a very special night and was so much fun. We started at the VIP Event at Williams-Sonoma Home while Emmy walked Francie and Maisie around the mall then she passed off Maisie and had Francie at home for us the rest of the evening (thanks Em!) We had a lot of our friends at the event and as usual the auction was so much fun to watch and be a part of. The houses were incredible and I'd say the event was a success.

Unloading in the parking lot at the Shopping Center where the event is held

Emmy the rock star took both girls to the Peninsula Creamery for dinner and walked all around the mall while we were at the pre-party

Thanks for showing her the playstructure in McDonalds Em ;) I had managed to avoid that thing up to now!

We met back up with Em and the girls on the way into the event

and sent that Little Doo off for a night of fun with Em!

Our neighbors Ben & Sandra on a date night out

Oma, Kat & Donald getting ready for the auction

It's pretty fun to have the dinner and auction in the middle of the shopping center!

almost go time

Heff getting a gold star for being the Underwriting Chair this year

Kat & Donald... six weeks to their wedding!

Christian & I at the post-party by the band and Sprinkles cupcakes

Maisie was a good sport

What a fun night... do we really have to wait two years for the next one?!