Shower for Katherine

Sunday my mom and I hosted a wedding shower for Kat. Her big day is less than a month away so we had lots to celebrate! We had a fun group of girls... Kat's bay area friends and family to toast her last few weeks of being the "bride-to-be!"

Em arriving for the party

Lauren and Kat popping the prosecco (inspired by Kerri in Germany!)

the girls start making pizzas

Francie thinks she'll just help herself to some mozzerella before we throw it in the pizza oven

Little Patrick (the only boy grandchild holding his own with 6 Heffernan grandgirls!)

Oma and Jackie catching up

time for opening presents... lots of 'happy helpers!'

Francie not letting "Di-o-wet" (Violet the blabla doll :) out of her sight

Girls gabbing in the shade

"Can some-body push Sansie and Di-o-weeeeet?"

Jannie sneaks in a Maisie-squeeze while Francie isn't looking

Jannie made the little smocked sundresses for Maisie and Francie!! So cute thanks Jan!

ummmmm, strawberry shortcake

Aunt Sarah and Baby Clara

Happy Shower Bride-to-be!!! Let the festivities begin!