Father's Day Pizza Dinner

Heff and I were lucky to have both of our dads in the same place to celebrate Father's Day! We just kept the party rolling and Jannie and Grampa kept the pizza oven fired up and turning out pizzas and steaks. My brothers came over (we missed you ABA) Heff, Mark, and Kat were all here to celebrate with their Dad (we missed Craig) and Maureen and Patrick had to head out to fly home to Utah to move tomorrow to New Jersey for a year for Doug's surgery fellowship so the girls are staying with Oma and got to get some chicken playing-swinging-pizza making cousin fun in. We had a nice night with our families... Happy Father's Day John and Tom!

Cousins in summer Saltwaters

and cousins all around! (we missed you Izza-bizza!)

Mathcing outfits make it easy to tell who's who! Doug & Maureen's (number three of the Heffernan five) kids in green/blue: Ellie (6), Kate (4) and Patrick (9 months); Sarah & Mark's (number two of the group) baby Clara Marie (3 months) in white and Brian's (oldest Heffernan) girls Francie (21 months) and Maisie (2 months) in pink! Andrea & Craig (tied for 4 of the Heffernan clan) have Isabel (23 months) who was just getting back from a trip to Hungary and hopefully Donald & Kat (tied for 4 too- Craig's twin) will add to the mix soon! Anyone follow that???

Clara looking up at her crazy cousins

More pizzas!!

Toppings always look so pretty and Jannie adds a few new ones everytime... might need another table soon

Chalk drawings on the walkway

My dad brought US flowers and BBQ'ed on Father's Day! What a dad :)