Maisie & Mom in Malibu

Maisie and I got to spend some one-on-one time together and hang out in Southern California Wednesday-Thursday morning last week (someone is behind on blogging. Francie thinks books are better than laptops these days... guess we have to agree) We tagged along with Anne on her business trip and visited with some of her friends who just had their first baby four weeks ago. It was a baby party with three of them there and the moms got to talk all sorts of interesting baby-rearing topics (which usually make dads leave the room fairly quickly) We walked our stroller brigade to lunch at the Malibu Country Mart and then hung out at the hotel for a slumber party. Maisie did great on her first flight although in those "conditions" I'm not sure it counts!

Maisie hanging out with Em-ma-we

letting the babies "play" (a futile effort to get them to look at each other :)

Listening to the ocean... it's like a built in sleepy bear (and I want this cozy blanket made out of sweatshirts behind Maisie's JanKnit)

Sun-bathing and surf-boarding. Or as close as you can get at eight weeks old

Lunch. I had to turn her stroller away from the awesome playground so she wouldn't tell her sister everything she missed out on when she got home

Benji's motto

Someone shared their Sophie...

"Can I just order room service Mom?"

Dinner and drinks on the patio

and playing with mom in the room

"Guess I'll head on home."