A Special Treat for Francie

Francie got a special treat to check out a pretty cool airplane when Maisie and I snuck away on our 24-hour trip with Anne to Malibu. Francie tagged along with Dad to drop us off at the airport. The pilot gave Francie a tour of the plane and she could hardly believe how lucky she was to get to go INSIDE the airplane! I took so many pictures of her it deserved it's own post :)

She couldn't get inside fast enough...

"THIS is what all those airplanes at the San Car-los Airport are like inside?!" (Uh, not exactly and sorry to burst your bubble Francie but next time we fly somewhere you're in for a rude awakening!)

"Wait... those wings are really for ME?!"

somebody pinch her...

Checking out the front row view of planes taking off...

Don't all pilots wear pink crocs?

Making herself right at home

This was not the same face you saw if you were there to watch her have to get OFF the plane and see it take off without her