
Tuesday Jannie stopped by bright and early just as Heff was going off to work (after she took Emmy to early practice- she's not usually up and about in the morning ;) so we decided to head to the San Carlos airport for breakfast. We called grampa on the way over and Francie asked him "Gampa, can you go?" so he came and met us for a cup of coffee. I highly recommend breakfast at the Sky Cafe (and I'm playing with the B&W settings on my camera :)

Mickey Mouse pancakes!

she's pretty happy about that

last week when Francie had lunch here grampa asked her if she wanted to stand in her highchair to see the airplanes better... she looked at him like he had two heads and said "Gampa- too DANGOUS!!" she had a pretty good view from Jannie's lap today

Maisie Moo sleeps through anything if we are out and about

"Where's that one going Jannie?" (most planes go to Red Bluff or Hawaii :)

My dad whose new office is conveniently right near the airport!

Is that a "Heh-woo-copter" Grampa!?

Grampa let her spin on the stools... not too dangous I guess?

Jannie bought her a flyer airplane at the "airport gip shop"

There goes another one!

Thanks for a fun breakfast Jannie & Grampa!!