Entertaining Ourselves

Sunday was a "do nothing" day around our house. I got to sleep in while Heff took the girls to the park, he and Francie made buttermilk pancakes for breakfast, we cleaned up around the house and then I caught up on emails/blogged/watched Tivo while Heff went up to the Kings Mountain archery range for a few hours while the girls napped. Francie entertained herself when she woke up playing with all of her beloved dollies in the front yard and Icie came over to visit for awhile too. I was a little stir crazy by dinner time when I realized I hadn't left the house all day so Francie and I snuck out for a late night Target run... nothing special for a Sunday but pretty relaxing (besides the cabin fever part).

Maisie Moo watching the ceiling fan on our bed

When toddlers pick out their own clothes... it's a rainbow of fruit flavors

Funny Face

Matching chubby cheeks (she loves her doll even if her head is on backwards)

Little toes

Picking "other people's flowers" from her own yard

Happy face

DONE with those flowers