Weekend Lunch Dates

Jannie came over to keep us entertained on Friday. If Jannie is holding Maisie Francie cozies on up to her and says "Hold TWO babies Jannie!" My mom said I told her the same thing when she brought my brother (who is also 18 months younger) home from the hospital. Oldest girls think alike ;) We had a busy weekend with lots of pictures to post! Here are a few highlights from our weekend lunch dates...

Friday afternoon Francie, Maisie and I went out for lunch with Jannie and our friends Joy and Kelly. We went back to our new favorite spot, Calafia at Town & Country. We hadn't seen them in a while and we caught up on all the gossip over a long lunch :)

All dressed up hanging out with her Jannie

Maisie Moo in her carseat at lunch

Francie is looking like such a big girl

My little hood-rat

Getting some sleep in before her lunch date Saturday with Mom and her friends...

AND her first date with with a cute 4 month old! He liked her "Juicy" ;)

We left the Little Doo home with Daddy- I put her in her crib for a "crib time out" (the ones that mean business :) and she fell asleep and pulled these blankets over herself! Oh well, early nap but it screwed up dad's lunch date with Francie plans! I think they still made it to Jeffrey's for an early afternoon hotdog and milkshake :)