Camping with Dad

Friday night Francie went on her first camping trip with her Dad! Heff has been planning this camping overnight for a few weeks, he was going to go with another dad/daughter and Uncle Rich too. We were watching the news a few night before (with the doors and windows open it was so nice out!) and laughed at the weatherman saying a storm was coming in. But boy was he right! It RAINED most of the day Friday and everyone else decided not to brave the elements but Heff was determined to camp so he and Francie went by themselves! It took us all about 2 hours to get them all packed up. Heff planned out a fun dinner they could cook on the fire and had to go back to the store twice for all the S'mores fixins. Francie was so excited to "sleep in a tent" and told me "bye-bye mom. Go inside" when I walked them out to the car. Maisie and I stayed home and had some girlfriends over for a girls night... and weren't all that surprised when Heff called at 10:30pm to say they were on their way home! Dispite the rain, they had a blast- built a fire, cooked dinner, made s'mores and snuggled in the tent only to find it was leaking a LOT of water and Francie wasn't having that. She said "TOO WET DADDY! GO HOME!" and insisted Heff hold her as he threw all their camp stuff in the truck (as it poured and was pitch black) to head home. It was an adventure... maybe she's a "glamper" like her mom? ;)

Quick change for her big camping trip...
in a matter of minutes she goes from all-girl to tom-boy ;)

Packing up the cooler with the necessities (beers and Hersheys!)

and packing up her suitcase (of course I sent 12 outfits for their 18 hour trip :)

"See ya Mom."

Saying good-bye (or "haha you don't get to go"? :) to her little sister who she has been calling "Mais-et" lately!

Truck parked in their campsite, fire going (Heff said Francie followed him around saying "Good job Daddy!" as he built the fire:), rain jacket on and tent put up

Bundled up, not minding the cold rain just yet!

AND... packed up in the carseat to head home to a warm bed :)