Emmy and the Big Girls

Tuesday after playgroup we stopped by the Stanford Park Hotel where Emmy was babysitting two adorable little girls for the night while their mom was at a dinner here. Francie made fast friends with Chellie and Lulu as soon as we got there (she didn't even need her usual warm up to get over the shy, talking-only-about-her-dog-Ollie phase. We walked around the hotel and hit up the pool!

The girls grabbed Francie's hands and took off as soon as we arrived. Lulu looking back...

walking through lobby, the girls made friends with guests :)

silly girls

I might have forgotten a swim suit/swim diaper for Francie. I also might have been down to my last diaper to get us home (there was a pool at playgroup!) and no extra outfits to even make it look like she had a diaper/clothes on. Luckily the pool was kinda tucked away and we were the only ones swimming!

Francie adores the big kids...

almost as much as she adores Emmy! (little miss-sometimes-timid-around-water was JUMPING in for Emmy! showing off much? ;)

Someone insists on wearing her "purse like mommy's" everywhere she goes now

tired little sis ready to head home after a triple-play-date day!