Oh, Honey

We had such a busy weekend last weekend it's taken me all week just to catch up on the blogging (Friday night daddy-daughter camping trip pictures coming soon!) We've been busy this week too... hanging out with friends, lunching, playgrouping and even stopping by the office to check in. Some pictures from earlier in the week...

Francie likes to bounce in Maisie's chair before bed (not with her eyes glued to the TV or anything... she's never seen real Housewives or Tori & Dean, I promise ;)

But this is why we let her hold "her baby" Honey and not her sister in the bouncy chair... karate chopping mid-violent-bounce

Maisie was sleeping safely on her baby-lounging pillow

Oh the love... thanks for the matching pink dress and bubble Bethy!

aaaaand she's done.

baby in a bubble suit

and baby in big sisters doll stroller (someone was NOT happy about this and it wasn't Honey!)

order is restored "NOT YOU'S MAISIE! ONLY HONEY!!"

patheticly resorting to holding the poor baby up to an unsuspecting big sister to try to get a picture of them together!

one more try...

only love for Honey this morning