Lounging Around and Playing with Friends

This little girl is all leg (I see now why her ultrasound "femur" measurements were always 2 weeks ahead of everything else)

Wednesday we had a playdate with Francie's friend Rose and mom's friend Lena... the girls were in their matching PaperLili "sparkles" outfits that Francie says "Rose give her" :)

We loved their giant "circle chair" for reading books and strumming the guitar- thanks for the concert big brother Adam!

Lena took this picture of Maisie-Moo... my little baldy is getting pretty good at holding her head up!

both girls fell fast asleep when we got home from our lunch date.

Francie pulled her "silhouette picture" Emmy made her of the shelf to sleep with ;)

Maisie relaxed with me on the couch

this is the life