Date Night

Wednesday night Heff and I went out without babies for our first date night since Maisie was born! It was really nice, we walked downtown Palo Alto for sushi while Jannie and Emmy watched the girls at our house. (and yes those are roadies in Heff's hands) Sushi and Beer... so fun not to be pregnant! We had a nice night out thanks to Jannie an Emmy, who reported a fun evening with their grand-daughter/goddaughter duo... thank you guys!

Leaving the girls in charge! (Jannie is mid "cheese!" trying to get Francie to smile ;)

Emmy told me she was a "Maisie hog" and held her almost the whole time... Maisie sits and stares at Emmy forever, she loves her godmom!

Jannie took Francie duty :)

Maisie got lots of time to bond with her godmother

and Francie got a bath from her Jannie

Heff and I had a GREAT quiet date night but were glad to get home to our baby girls!

Francie all clean and giving out the kisses to Maisie too

Then Sansie got a special treat... Emmy and Jannie took her for a "Slumba Party"!! A whole night with only ONE baby to take care of sure was a breeze ;) Thanks again girls, we'll have to do that more often!