Another Big Name for a Little Girl!

Are we crazy? Yes, probably :) We decided on another long name for our second little girl to carry on the family tradition. The history of all the "Marys" in our family is in
this post on Francie's name and MaryMarjorie adds to the list!

MaryMarjorie Sheehy Heffernan is named after my Great Aunt Marge, Marjorie Sheehy. She was my grandmother Mary Virginia Sheehy's only sister (they lost their little brother Gerald Sheehy when he was very young) We LOVE Aunt Marge and with all four of my grandparents gone she is the closest thing I have to a grandparent and she sure is a great substitute! Aunt Marge lives in Hollister and is full of energy... she walks every morning at 6am with the same group of ladies and made every "Big Game" (Stanford/Cal football) for almost 60 years! We love her and are so happy Maisie gets to be the namesake to a very special person.

(Francie was named after Brian's grandmother's sister too- Frances Borchard.)

Maisie in print (thanks for the pretty frame Katsy!)

Aunt Marge made the trip all the way up to Red Bluff in January 06 for our surprise "proposal party!" She stayed at my parents house the night before and I was clueless about what was going to happen the very next day- I guess Aunt Marge was nervous she might accidentally spill the beans that Heff was going to pop the question the very next day but everybody kept his secret :)

and speaking of seeing her name in print... how cute is this cookie bouquet that was delivered to our front porch yesterday from my mom's needlepoint group?! THANKS ladies, Maisie can't wait to come for tea and cookies soon!

MaryMarjorie Sheehy...

Hopefully she'll grow into the name! (the smallest size onesie is still swimming on her :)