Tuesday Playgroup

Tuesday afternoon we "Toddled-On-Over" to our Tuesday playgroup. We're trying to keep up with Francie's busy social calendar so she doesn't feel like her little sister changed her life all that much ;) Our Tuesday playgroup is a great group of mom's I meet in the baby groups when Francie was tiny. They have all been SO sweet to drop off meals since Maisie was born! We rotate houses or parks every week and it's fun to see the kids all getting so big and a few getting new little brothers or sisters like Francie! This week it was at one of the mom's who lives 3 blocks away so I loaded up the Chariot stroller and headed over.

Wagon rides

and the always popular car-cars (no fighting to be seen in this photo!)

Francie swarming around Amy and Asher for orange slices

She's still pretty jealous Alessandra had a PINK car-car ;)