Maisie's First Pizza Party

Sunday night we had dinner over at my parent's house- the first outdoor pizza oven party of the season! James and Em came down from the city and my Uncle John, Kim and their kids came over to meet Maisie too. Jannie and Grampa cooked up some delicious pizza's and we sat outside while the kids played- Francie is such a big girl all off the sudden she was off on the swing set and running around with the cousins all night! I don't even think we remembered to feed her dinner! :)

Maisie all bundled up and ready to go over to her Jannie and Grampa's house for her first official Sunday Night Dinner! Jannie made her the cute cable knit hat...

"Are you gonna stop taking pictures of me and get me out of this carseat mom?"

Francie sure had fun with James, Ella and Lukey

"Weee-Haw!" on a goose? At least she's using her imagination :)

Uncle John meets Maisie (he finally got over the fact she wasn't born on his birthday)

This seasons sure-to-be-favorite-pizza (and good thing we have producing chickens!) potato and egg, yum.

Francie holding court

her new favorite thing... the pink Croc's dad bought her on a special trip to REI

Little Maisie-Moo in the "family" bassinet everyone has used since my brother James... Jannie worked hard on a new set of PINK bumpers and bassinet sheets for Maisie (it was all blue for my thought-you-were-a-boy-Francie :)

It's so cute pinked-up! Thanks Jannie!! (Maisie is wearing the same outfit we took Francie home from the hospital in, from Auntie Em! I love pulling out all the old favorite outfits of Francie's again... so does Heff;)

Sharing teddy bears with her sister (THAT is real love :)

Time to wheel these girls on home to bed