Maisie's First Weekend Home

Saturday Heff was busy with National Rebuilding Day for the organization he sits on the board for, Rebuilding Together Peninsula. Every year on the third Saturday in April Rebuilding Together pulls together thousands of volunteers to revamp houses and community centers for families who own their own homes but can't afford to keep them up. It's really amazing to see how much they accomplish in a days work. This year they worked on 79 projects in the area! Heff's favorite role is "Construction Captain" of a house but this year he visited 15+ of the project sites to see how things were going. We didn't get to go with him this year... paint, mold and power tools don't mix with week old babies so well :) But he picked up Francie to go to the celebration BBQ at the end of the day!

Waking up is hard to do

Maisie-Moo on a lazy Saturday with mom and big sister

It's a good thing I could never bring myself to take down this "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" banner my mom put up when we brought Francie home from the hospital 19 months ago!! My Dad's secretary in 1978 made it for his office when I was born. I love having girls!

Francie spent the weekend helping Mom organize...

Maisie spent the weekend relaxing...

Sunday we had a family work day around the house. Dad and Francie put in our vegetable/tomato garden out back.

Francie had her first "own" Hacienda burrito... yummm.

and washed it down with some milk riding her dog "cowgurl up!"

Maisie soaked up some sun while we worked

and Francie cooled off in her fountain Dad bought her

She is a DADDY'S GIRL lately!

The girls wore themselves out and both took three hour naps from 1-4! Keep it up please :)

I got to sort clothes and set up the craigslist changing table I found for Maisie's "room" (or portion thereof ;)

and Heff finished planting (dispite Francie having knocked the entire flat of plants on the ground an hour earlier)

and finished the "west wing" on my chicken coop!

all in a hard weekends work Maisie!