Maisie Meets the Family

We had some bonding time with Little Miss Maisie in L&D before our nice nurses wheeled us on down to Maternity. Usually the transport guys do it but apparently all the babies decided to be born at the same time Saturday morning so the nurses stepped in to help transport. They didn't know what they were in for! We were greeted in the hallway by Jannie, Grampa, Oma, Aunt Maureen, Baby Patrick and... BIG SISTER FRANCIE!!

Wheeling out of L&D with another favorite nurse Monica who helped deliver Maisie

Mom holding Maisie for the ride, can't believe it's another baby girl!!

Silly pictures of me but my reaction when I saw my first baby girl MaryFrances ;)

Dad took Maisie into the nursery for her first bath while the troops watched from the nursery windows. Francie was a little skeptical of this "Dad on the other side" and kept saying "Daddy come out!"

Maisie looking a little skeptical too

Cousin Patrick, doens't look so much like a little baby anymore

Good thing Jannie makes cuter hats!

Mary Marjorie all cleaned up (Heff was in there for over an hour with FIVE other babies getting the same royal treatment)

Francie meeting her new dolly in the hospital too... we both got our babies "OUT"!

and trying to give the "REAL tiny baby" Maisie her doll's bottle

Daddy and his Number 1 Doo

We had lots of visitors in Maisie's first day of life!

Grampa! very proud with his second baby granddaughter :)

Uncle James and Auntie Em

Francie had to make sure Jannie knew who was boss... and Jannie spoiled her with a little chocolate to remind her "Sansie is!" (when Jannie asks her "What does Jannie do Francie?" the little stinker says "Eva Sansie wants." :)

That's a happy girl!

Uncle Jerry and A-woo-son

Uncle Mark, Sarah and Baby Clara too! (they snuck her in for a photo op :)

COUSINS!! 3 1/2 weeks apart

Sarah and Oma with Maisie

Opa and his 7th grandchild (6th granddaughter!)

Oma and Maisie

Worn out just keeping the family trees straight ;)

PROUD parents


Looking more like Francie every hour!

Uncle Andy and Uncle Rich (GREAT uncles that is)

Officially... "first-cousins-once-removed" but they prefer COUSINS Emmy, Connor and Drew

Grandmas and the girls

and we ended the evening with some family time before Francie went home with Jannie and Grampa...

Daddy's new girl

Mom and her girls