Just In Case You Were Wondering....

We STILL don't have a baby! We had a non-stress test, ultrasound and doctor's appointment today... Francie tagged along for all of them and was a very patient little girl :) Baby looks great and everything seems to be fine, some contractions just no real labor! If I don't go into labor in the next few days we are scheduled for the c-section Friday at 10am. At our doctor's appointment Francie was very interested in hearing the heartbeat and worried about the doctor checking the belly... but then she wanted "Sansie's turn!" on the table and called "Doc-ta Druuu-zin?" to see if he'd come back to check her baby-in-the-belly ;)

In between appointments at LPCH we had lunch at MacArthur Park where Heff and I had lunch the day before Francie arrived... hoping superstition will kick in and help us out!!