Francie's Easter Day

We had a great easter this year with Francie! Heff got us up and moving for 8:00 mass and even dressed Francie up in a party dress himself :) She was good in mass, despite it being PACKED! Then we all went out to breakfast at University Coffee Cafe in Palo Alto and came home to do our own little "family" easter egg hunt in the front yard. This was Heff's idea and it was so cute to see Francie so excited about it! Although she was still recovering from the creepy bunny at the Menlo Park egg hunt yesterday so when she and I had to hide in her room while the Easter Bunny came but Dad showed him where to hide the eggs :) After our hunt we packed up and drove out to the Baylands for a hike. We saw lots of birds and Francie chased the ducks and "mean goose" into the pond for awhile. She came home to take a long nap before we walked over to my parents for the family easter celebration. Jannie and John made way too much yummy food, all my favorites! Jannie did some "Easter Egg Trivia" and Em's family killed the competition in the egg decorating contest again this year (they were jeweled!) Emmy took some great black & white photos of Francie- it's like having a professional photographer at family get togethers now! Mark, Sarah and Baby Clara came over too, she is two weeks old now and so alert and adorable.

Egg hunting with Ow-wa

Not surprised I saved some of the best eggs for our house ;)

That belly isn't getting any smaller!... Francie says "COME OUT BEBE!"

Our "hike" (more of a long walk:) at the Baylands

Francie was obsessed with drinking water from the camel-back thingy

Over to Jannie's and on the swings in no time

Ready for another egg hunt! Dad helped her out this time too...

Gettin' in there for that egg!

So excited!

and Auntie Em helped Francie out in the hunt too, lucky girl with her entourage!

Stink eye!

On a mission showing some leg Little Doo? ;)

Emmy helped Francie reach the high ones!

Another "YAY!" "I bet there's one in here."

"Hummm, Uncle Jerry has a lot more of these eggs in his bag than in mine. He won't mind if I "find" one while he's not looking..."

Em, Marla, Jackson and Marla all looking beautiful as usual (sorry, handsome Jackson!)

Emmy and her works of art...

Emmy and Baby Ann both wore this easter dress when they were "only 1" I have such a cute picture of Emmy in it I need to scan ;)

Twirling and laughing in the front yard... these two are BFF's :)

On her way down from playing in "her room" with the doll-dolls

Time for Easter Egg Trivia 2009! Complete with "phone-a-friend" and "use your iphone" second chances.

Emmy and Francie

Uncle James and Uncle John on their easter cigars (and ignoring Jannie's trivia game- she wasn't too pleased)

Uncle Jerry (we missed you A-woo!)

Jannie's homemade Easter Breads... and Arnerich tradition

"Uh-oh, I think I ate too much easter candy."

Baby Clara got to come over too!

Passed around for some adoring

She is so adorable! Makes me want a baby... hopefully we'll have one soon too!!

"HAAAPPY EASTER" says chocolate face :)