Friends and Francie

Saturday the Stonebargers and the Wallace kids came over to hang out at our house for a visit. Francie was so excited to hang out with all the big kids and made dad pull out the Jumpy House. We got a few jumps in before the rain started in but luckily it didn't last long. Then Francie insisted on locking Ollie inside so she could let her chickens out of their coop to play. She showed off chasing them around and trying to give them kisses (gross) and herding them with her "chick stick" (a broken arrow from Dad's bow, safe huh?) It was great to see our good friends and fun to watch all the kiddies play together!

Knock-knock... bounce house time!

My cute godson James

Adorable little Stella!

Francie in the slide pit

Whitney not sure about these weird chickens

Francie and James herding animals

Joe, James and Wil trying to catch the chicks

Little Maddie!

The moms

and the kids!

Holding chickens and babies

James wasn;t letting go once he got ahold of Daisy!

Francie had soo much fun with her friends...