Francie's New Cousin CLARA!
/We have a new Heffernan as of early this morning... and it's a girl!! Mark & Sarah had their baby girl at 1:19am ~ her name is Clara Marie and she is a beautiful baby with long eyelashes and perfect little features. Mom did a great job and they are a happy family of three (or 8 if you count Mark's chickens:) Oma and Opa drove down once they got the news Sarah was in labor and we camped out at the hospital very excited for the newest addition....
Waiting in Labor & Delivery for baby news
Where is that BABY!?! Threatening to push the "do not enter" door
We sent the boys and Francie home and Oma and I waited anxiously to hear... every time we thought "maybe we should head home?" we got some news Sarah was a little closer to a baby- finally at 1:20am I bugged a nurse who said "She delivered!" We waited for the new dad....
PROUD NEW DAD coming out with the news!! IT'S A GIRL!!
8 pounds 2 ounces ~ born at 1:19am Wednesday March 25, 2009
Passing her APGAR with flying colors
That's a fresh little baby! Only 30 minutes old
Can you see her LONG eyelashes?
New daddy with his little girl
Mom's turn to hold her baby girl
Doesn't get much better than this
Congratulations Uncle Mark & Aunt Sarah and welcome Cousin Clara!
PS... still waiting for the official word from Uncle Mark but I think I WON the BABY POOL!! He promised a picture of Clara emailed to the winners email address. I'll save you the trouble Mark :)